Remove the face of honey works dandiphoralai. But the only information about this kamalai. Dandiphora the parts and put a bit of honey and wiped washing with cold water after 15 minutes. If you like to make the skin more bright and cold milk to wash also can face. This method also makes dandiphorako problem, redemption and bright skin.
Is considered very healthy cloves deliver relief dandiphorako problem. Life's for a cup of water you need to boil cloves. When cold water and place the cloves, kneading and rub dandiphora muchiuko sludge. The powder or paste, or making use of this oil is made dandiphora place. Wash face with cold water and put half hours.
banana peel
Pyakale banana skin to soften and nourish the skin of the inner part of the puryaiumcha. Banana peel as well as the more beneficial it is. It helps to remove dandiphorako problem. Wearing facial mud mixed with bananas and accomplishing or mahasamga unsealed openings. Does that face full of oxygen. Dahisamga banana mixed with checking as well. Ice water washing, rub and massage the face.
lemon juice
For dandiphoraka lemon juice is very effective. It also makes dandiphorako problem removal and skin shiny. But, lemon juice directly in the face, it hurts to wear. Therefore, it is mixed with water or covering mahasamga.
sandalwood powder
Sandalwood powder also dandiphora be removed. Besan a little yogurt, lemon juice and mixing sandalwood powder. Rub the paste was part of dandiphora. Thopamatrai put some lemon. It can burn a lot to keep. This is more than the amount to be when dahiko. Sukhepachi face wash with cold water.
taking steam
With steam coming face to avoid the problem can be dandiphorako. Phesiyalapachi losing steam facial skin gets inner nutrition. In addition, it also removes the dead skin problems. It is necessary to take the steam to open pores facial. Clean and dry the skin, after vapor katanale. The problem may be more prone to directly hand dandiphorako dishcloth.
Tomatoes are beneficial for the skin element found. Kagatijastai Tomatoes also help to eliminate many beneficial elements found in that dandiphora, and make skin brighter. Chalabhitraisamma gourd juice to reach the facial covering. Half hour to wash the face with cold water.
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