Kathmandu: SLC exam Office of the Controller of examination results has been released on Thursday. According to the results of the test controller kaprika Krishna has been completed the necessary preparations for publication of the results of two o'clock in the afternoon bihibara publication would do "with Annapurna kaprile Wednesday said," There's just some technical work. Said on Thursday the results did not issue any external publication for the first time this year to truly panikale SLC examination results, grade system is going to make public. The point grade system a total of four grade average (GPAs) of the student's level of classification by nine per praptanaka results will be published on March 18 since 2 Enan was conducted in 9 deadline. 13 days late compared to the previous year has also been conducted and the test results can be quickly put to the public as soon as the copies of the test center to bring Test run time, test center to test how useful timeline and test days after the plan was made in the center of the work concerning the results pathaunesammaka the kaprile said under trial regular, partial and technical wing student by student and by a total of 6 million 15 thousand 5 hundred 53 students are participating this year, according to statistics panikako Alumni of more than 36 thousand 1 hundred and 35 students are participating in the test. Total pariksarthimadhye general equations in regular 4 million 52 thousand 8 hundred and 81 are. One of two lakh 27 thousand 5 hundred 35 students and two lakh 25 thousand 3 hundred and 46 students chantyastai, ansikatarpha 9 7 thousand 36 students and 62 thousand 3 hundred and 81 students and 1 million 5 9 thousand 4 hundred and 17 people are participating in technical wing There are 3 thousand two hundred test. Including 1 thousand 2 hundred and 73 students and 1 thousand 9 hundred and 82 students are.
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