40 thousand dollars

40 thousand dollars a kilo of gold, saying he is a young man took the money and fled in the way of dramatic. Santosh Yadav Yadav said district and nirajakumara be lost Rs 40 lakh. Yadavadvayalai Siraha Amar Chaudhary Sony and Mahammad are misled. Gaushala money in a hotel room after another took the money and fled with the gold Sony are saying that to come.

If a friend has been arrested Sonika navivanalai. Sony fled Navin satisfaction and replay lawmakers had made a pledge. The pledge was made based on the information in a person's abduction to police on Thursday raided the house of Baneshwor magesvara margasthita Ram exclaimed Yadav was rescued by Chaudhary.

When she joined the 40 million research Chaudhary took him hostage fled police. In today's Daily News is a new magazine.
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