A baby born in India's Karnataka hasanama the world more than the weight of all of her baby when he was born, the couple has pugeki weight as the other six months old child was. These killin about 6.8 kg weight and the shape of the baby than normal newborn child has grown older, the news of two viral on social media has become the baby was born in serious operation. Not until recently has been named the child, but surprising is that these baccilai only 1 9-year-old birth mother, Nandini just before .It masacuetsama janmieki in 2014 in the name of the baby was Grewia local doctor to complain rajule Venkatesh, according to his 25-year career this the first chance to make much weight when he saw her, she was born the mission say that this is not less than a miracle for the birth of urgency was normal. Delivery killin female doctor making a miracle, according to the Manuka moon and nothing less than surprising. Surgery lasted about half an hour until. According to her baby as high Manuka gahurango and also to extend the same beautiful baby girl bear any kind of physical problem previously was nandinilai. His blood pressure, blood sugar level was all naramala. Mother and killin good health of the disaster.
6.8 kg weight
A baby born in India's Karnataka hasanama the world more than the weight of all of her baby when he was born, the couple has pugeki weight as the other six months old child was. These killin about 6.8 kg weight and the shape of the baby than normal newborn child has grown older, the news of two viral on social media has become the baby was born in serious operation. Not until recently has been named the child, but surprising is that these baccilai only 1 9-year-old birth mother, Nandini just before .It masacuetsama janmieki in 2014 in the name of the baby was Grewia local doctor to complain rajule Venkatesh, according to his 25-year career this the first chance to make much weight when he saw her, she was born the mission say that this is not less than a miracle for the birth of urgency was normal. Delivery killin female doctor making a miracle, according to the Manuka moon and nothing less than surprising. Surgery lasted about half an hour until. According to her baby as high Manuka gahurango and also to extend the same beautiful baby girl bear any kind of physical problem previously was nandinilai. His blood pressure, blood sugar level was all naramala. Mother and killin good health of the disaster.
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