fake doctor

CIAA viraganja Nepal Police Central Bureau (CIB) of the team in control of Birgunj, 9, a physician who has been arrested on Friday morning. 9 to 10 o'clock in the morning, between them have taken place in different Narayani Medical Association Vice President Dr. Pramod Kumar Sarraf said.

Giri was arrested favorites kusaraja physicians, Saroj Singh, Panna Patel, Arun Gupta, Dinesh Shah, rahullaha, irasada and nimesaramana are one of the tent has not been revealed.
Without prior notice and a warrant has been arrested and Arrest yet due to some physicians, Dr. nakhulaieko saying. Monica Mrs. Saroj Singh giraphtariprati sinhaki objection forcefully.

This ghatanaviruddha Narayani Sub-regional Hospital, Birgunj sector, all hospitals in the National medikalakalejalagayata OPD services have closed. Narayani Medical Association past president Ravindra Singh of the afternoon 3 pm due to the arrest of all hospital emergency services as mentioned in the decision of this region are warned to stop.

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