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Den.Move for maikrophainansa (siemaepha) has a one-day workshop has been held in seminars.

Nepal Rastra Bank Governor and former president of the Board of Directors siemaephaka Ganesh Bahadur Thapa, supervision and aunagamana Department, Finance Branch Chief Dr. Small. Binod Atreya, chief executive officer of Nepal siemaepha. Acharya Harihar and the source of people's micro-finance sector tarjina paulakale importance of social effectiveness and it can measure the information about method and criteria.

Different districts in Nepal, micro-finance institutions working in the field responsible for the major 27 officials participated. Micro-finance institutions in accordance with the current state of economic and social objectives of the national state of the measurement and exchange of experience concerning the study and experimental practice had been. Criteria for the social effectiveness of microfinance institutions to manage the global discussion has been about.
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