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The government initiative will pass to interpret and 25 days to bring materials to take us intuitive, Lomanthang traders indradhara Bista kantipurasanga said, 'This is good thing, this long lasting Built-naka interpret help." Today in Nepal, large byabasayi also come, he said.

  This time, the possibility of increased export of Nepalese. In particular, preparation of Pashmina exports Lomanthang VDC has informed Secretary Gyanendra Bahadur Bista.

Rice, flour, noodles, biskuta, uvako flour, buckwheat flour, yak leather and other goods exports will be, he kantipurasanga said, 'import is all kinds of stuff. "China's long-term Built korala checkpoint open 30 km dhunvasena market near the border road expansion he has already given information.
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