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Nepal-France Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of indastrika Shrestha, 50 to 60 percent of this project to save time and maitripani environment, he said. 12 hours a day to come into operation, the project is expected to take power for the 2.8 MW. According to the study, three-stage development plan for the project has been moved before. 12 million euros for the project is estimated to cost. Detailed economic studies within the next 6 months is bubhaine. The feasibility study laganakheladekhi Jamal, tankesvaradekhi Gotahar bus and kalankidekhi ratnaparkasamma the three routes shown live.

France sistra and two construction companies to participate in the study emadiepha route still needs to be done regarding the comprehensive study. A ceremony was held on Monday, Ambassador of France to Nepal and Transport Secretary at the Ministry of Physical Planning yibhisa karamonale Arjun Karki had submitted details of the study. The Ministry of approval was given last phebrevarima the study. Since planning expert Acharya said this project as required suryaraja not give ordinary traffic service plan, saying he was confident regarding kevalakara added. For a short period he budhalinakanthadekhi impounded thousands of common features that are essential and bhaktapuradekhi kalankisamma merto rail service said. citizen daily
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