married life

 1. Grin with joy:

Various studies have confirmed that the mental and physical Laughter remote simplifies both kinds of problems. Laughter with a sense of oneness with each other, and simplifies harekapala ekaarkavicako reduce the distance to support channel.

2ekaarkama understanding:

Ekaarkavica mutual understanding, positive impact has been seen in many ways determines. For this purpose, must talk to each other constantly. Feelings openly refers to many problems, the solution goes through.

3. Quiet by nature:

You need the ability to conjure must remain calm and fascinating. Your continued volirahada Sahayatrika can be frustrating too.

4. Shared objectives:

Many studies have confirmed that the common goal of which is their marriage successful marriage.

5vivada the ability to fix immediately:

Fight husband straw fire is called in Nepali svasniko. Having come to the general kind of marriage is the simple, but it is not good to fight a long time with a therapist
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