mothers love

t is very smooth way to fame, walk carefully, but please always raksiera aumdorahecha, this is what I have experienced many times. ' That voice was directly killed bits. I have heard the same dialog musician Amber Gurung was the last voice.
And while returning to his hospital and home-working to be a plan. Gently illness and hospital emergency Diary lent him was dashed in close proximity to the end of a way. A few days after the last meeting with him early in the morning when the news hattivanasthita cancer hospital was like being bitter.

Pixel-image is part of the Amber Gurung, Shankar Lamichhane letter. Some aghimatra Yes, I was the dohorya-Eki. After his mother died of cancer and the vast emptiness of loneliness about sitting heart sings wrote a letter to Lamichane. That sentiment did not want to bring out the pain to change the format of Nepal was called Amber Lamichane. Lamichhane was believed, this new mode will take dukhantapachi Amber song-music or his style now will be a new miracle.
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