North Korea's ruler Kim Jong

North Korea's ruler Kim Jong defenders in his death on Friday, South Korean stock market turbulence in coming. Defense indastrisamga related shares increased 9 percent appeared.
However, the news about the South Korean Army ciphale 'rumors', saying not believe have already appealed.

Was how rumors start?

'Favored Asia trabyuna called' the website was first published by the news. The website had quoted North Korean TV KCTV to srotakarupama.

According the official website on Friday afternoon at 2 pm (local time) pontogagyamama kimamathi Pyongyang attacked. Kim So pontona time the river had participated in a program.
They burnt a woman running near Ain Kim. Stopping him was security, but he had planted explosive belt susaita sucked. The report was said, "The explosion seriously injured were taken to a nearby hospital, Kim immediately. But when his hospital had died.

The new leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea report that it would not have been, it was silent state media art.

However, South Korea has concluded that Kim still alive. Their joy was found a few hours to stand. Shared resources from post
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