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While the government claims within the desired price KATHMANDU, Nepal Rastra Bank figures the government has a significant upside. Nepal Rastra Bank country's economic and financial report made public on April months of expensive still showed double ankamai. The central bank last December, inflation rate reached 12.1 percent decline, even if the market has risen too expensive to increased pulses and vegetables bhaule. According to the Bank of holding the nation last year inflation rate that is 10 per cent.

Vaisakhasamma food and beverage price index increased by 9 .6 percent. Non-food and services group increased by 10.4 percent while the rise in rent and expenses relating to consumer education mudraspikati (expensive) to rise again for the central bank's report.

Pulses and legumes increased by 23.4 percent more than the value of the report. Vegetable prices rose 20.1 percent. Clothing and footwear, household goods and services, and alcoholic beverages respectively 17, 16.4 and 15.9 percent respectively.

According to the Central Bank, who lives in Kathmandu Region is overwhelmed by the load to cope with the greatest. Kathmandu expensive undertaking has increased 11.5 percent. It was 6.8 percent in the previous year. The previous year, 11 percent of the mountain expensive rate dropped to 7.7 percent this year, is limited. However, price growth has swelled the Tarai increased from 6.9 to 8.6 percent.

Terai-Madhesh movement lasted long and uncomfortable when the Indian blockade Kathmandu supply system is expensive everywhere on the report highlights.

Declining import-export

The revenue decline in the import of the current fiscal year, if the target of more than 4 trillion 75 billion, the report said. Central Bank statistics, based on 10 months of the current fiscal year 2072/073 of gradually improving economic outlook has concluded. Still, both imports and exports declined.
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