poor student get study in free

Nawalparasi help the poor and meritorious students for public high school students visnunagaraka Former worth Rs one lakh 50 thousand have established Trust.

He studied high school public high school for quality education tipped-6 visnunagarabata 2062 SLC exam students have established a lakh 50 thousand rupees worth of Bhajan.

Poor school study, intelligent, disabled and infirm to provide the student scholarship fund in the initiation of a former student, former student of Ray founded the Bhurtel information.

Minister and ex-students of all late rally in late Gopal Memorial Trust has been named a former student of the Seed collected Rs one lakh in cash and cash 50 thousand Rs self Gopal party has a family of funds have been established.

The efforts of the former student of the school will be conducted in the coming days, a variety of educational activities dumrele said Umesh.

School students for employment in various areas of study and for educational progress in the coming days, more new programs and have expressed their conduct.
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