SLC result is that without death

Different Universe SLC exams on June 2 hearing will be public JAJARKOT 16-year-old Dinesh Singh exams Dhime 5 naulikhetaka know that people were desperate. But before he heard his exams are taken away from this world forever.
SLC High School on laksmiprapti apricot published by Dinesh died in the same day, he read in school and their village is steeped in mourning.
According to Surendra Shahi Wednesday near the relatives went to her sister's corn godna Dinesh feet was suddenly sharp. Then slowly sunnidai on foot. That is bitten failed to distinguish between the village shaman witch doctor his feet.
Phantom, saying that his feet to worship him, but also did not visako nineteen. Eventually he died on Thursday morning. Were taken to the hospital in time, his life was able to survive.
Superstition dhamipratiko be maintained, due to his premature death at the hospital, including the plebiscite has been the village of Kumar added. The villagers have been bitten by Dinesh fears.
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