Health Ministry

Health Ministry after a cabinet decision Bureau and gave instructions to investigate the fake cikitsakamathi says Dr. Sharma. Council, the Bureau and the Council of Higher Secondary Education jointly Operation Kwok 'by submitting fake certificates of various levels of different countries working in the medical field MBBS and was ordained in the law, to take action.

Recent medical sector in the realm of action to investigate counterfeit medical pramanapatradhari halliekale investigation has already begun the process of trying to obfuscate the high level, the source claims that the Council.

If proved guilty the court dismissed such medical laisensasameta the Council. They will not be allowed to practice medicine. But the doctor on the basis of fake certificates clean a certain punishment exerted some kind of medical practice and continue to give high political pressure, on the basis of decision making bodies, including the Council has already begun scam sources said.
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